Thinking of trying Dry January? Steps for success

Let’s file this under unsurprising news: the COVID pandemic prompted the biggest spike in alcohol consumption seen in 50 years. Illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths linked to alcohol misuse rose as well.     Yet even before the pandemic sparked disruptions, losses, stress, and isolation, alcohol use among older adults had been trending upward. And a quarter […]

The art of a heartfelt apology

If you’ve been stuck mostly at home with one or more family members over the past year, chances are you’ve gotten on one another’s nerves occasionally. When you’re under a lot of stress, it’s not uncommon say something unkind, or even to lash out in anger to someone you care about. And we all make […]

Seeking fitspiration on social media?

Now that it’s 2024, perhaps you’ve thought about taking up a new exercise program, eating better, or some other ways to improve your health. That’s great! Or, as my grandfather would say, “there’s nothing wrong with that” — his highest possible praise. In fact, few medical treatments rival the massive health benefits of regular exercise. […]

Immune boosts or busts? From IV drips and detoxes to superfoods

Ever see ads for products that promise to supercharge immunity? Activate your body’s natural defenses? Support a healthy immune system while delivering a potent boost derived from nature’s hottest immune-enhancing ingredients? While the words may change to reflect the latest trends, the claims certainly sound amazing. But do the multitude of products promoted as immune […]

Veins are a key player in the body: Here’s why

Blood circulation is vital to our health. Our arteries deliver oxygen, energy-rich nutrients, hormones, immune cells, and other essentials throughout the body. When deliveries are cut off, organs and tissue can be irreversibly damaged within minutes. But a second part of blood circulation is also vitally important: the return trip. After our arteries deliver the […]

Magnets, sound, and batteries: Choosing safe toys

This holiday season, as parents, friends, and family set out to buy toys for children on their lists, or donate them to those in need, here are some suggestions for things you shouldn't buy — and those you should. Not all gifts need to be purchases, of course. Opportunities for play bring joy and sharpen […]

After prostate cancer treatment, a new standard of care for rising PSA

It isn’t often that a study leads to fundamental changes in how cancer patients are treated. But new research is doing just that for some men with prostate cancer that recurs after initial treatment. Post-treatment recurrence The first sign of recurrence is typically a rise in blood levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA). PSA should drop […]

Small pets are delightful, but some carry dangerous bacteria

Small animals like turtles, iguanas, and frogs are often chosen as first-time pets for children because they are easy to interact with and low maintenance for busy households. While they can be fun, it may be best to avoid them. The reason? “Reptiles and amphibians can carry germs that make people sick, the most common […]

Want to reduce your risk of dementia? Get your hearing checked today

Are you having a little trouble hearing conversations? If so, you’re not alone. An estimated 23% of Americans ages 12 and older have hearing loss. Although most of those people have mild hearing loss, for people ages 80 years and older, it’s more common for hearing loss to be moderate to severe than mild. But […]

Chronic fatigue syndrome is rising

Bone-deep exhaustion not eased by rest, lasting six months or more. Brain fog. Pain. These and other symptoms are hallmarks of myalgic encephalitis/chronic fatigue syndrome  (ME/CFS). People who have it find their symptoms often spike after minor daily tasks, work, and other exertions. A new CDC report estimates 3.3 million Americans — including many with […]